Located at Redmond Town Center
7730 Leary Way NE
Redmond, WA  98052

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 964
Redmond WA  98073-0964

Phone: (425) 556-0636

From Seattle : Take SR-520 East to Redmond. Take exit for W. Lk. Sammammish Parkway. Turn left on W. Lk. Sammammish Parkway. Get in right hand lane and go to Leary Way. Turn right onto Leary Way. Go to Bear Creek Parkway, turn right. Get into left hand turn lane and turn left into Redmond Town Center. Follow signs to parking garages located in the mall, and walk one block to our market.

From 405: take exit to Redmond, SR-520. Once on 520, follow directions above.
Please click on link to Redmond Town Center for exact location of shopping center. Our market is located outside on the corner of Leary Way and Bear Creek Parkway.
Driving Directions
The Melelani Hula Studio performing at last years' "Hawaiian Day"